Our Mission

Our mission is to raise money to help individuals afford rehabilitation services while recovering from neurological injuries. 

Physical therapy is the only proven treatment for many disabling injuries and illnesses such as neuromuscular disorders, spinal cord injuries, demyelinating conditions and etc. Due to therapy costs being astronomical, and insurance only covering a limited number of sessions needed following an injury.  It was imperative to provide a resource.  The Walk for Life is a volunteer-based nonprofit designed to award grants for exercise therapy to applicants who meet certain criteria.  Criteria being physical need for therapy and financial need for assistance.

Therapy plays a significant role in an individual’s quality of life by keeping the body limber and healthy, thus making therapy a life-changing experience.  In essence, every individual in need of therapy deserves to have access to it.  This foundation seeks to help individuals with affording exercise therapy sessions. Grants will be awarded in the Fall and Spring. Above all, the foundation wants to inspire hope in individuals and empower them to thrive and to win.